Thursday, March 01, 2007


I've been lazing a bit on the update announcments over the past few days so I have a rather lot to make

Cheeky Images: Two new additions to the image gallery over the last few days - those Boston Boys have been killing me all over my TV so I went on a binge. Jonathan Tucker (Stateside and The Black Donnellys) and Bryan Greenberg (One Tree Hill and the soon-to-be October Road)

Cheeky Resources: Gilmore Girls bases are up to date for 7.15 - I Am A Kayak, Hear Me Roar! but I still haven't finished (or started, for that matter, 7.16 - Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore?)

Cheeky Tutorials: I added this earlier this week because someone who shall remain nameless mentioned that they weren't clear on how to get that icy blue color just right so I thought I would write up a quick method tutorial. I don't know if it's the exact icy blue they were talking about but it is icy blue :)

Cheeky Graphics: I took on an icons100 challenge for Guys & Dolls (the movie) and I'm into my first batch - 10 Guys & Dolls Icons. Well, frankly, they suck, but that's kind of OK with me :) I have to admit though, I'm totally phoning in the stupid themes thing. "I uh, sure that could be about love...yeah...I meant it all along *shifty eyes*"

Project Update: In addition to continued work on The Light, my pursuit of learning G-Mesh in Illustrator, my icons100 challenge, updating my portfolio as I create portfolio worthy work, my off interest in re-skinning the site, i've been playing with hand sketching and manga in illustrator. So, ya know, just to keep you posted ;) Maybe i'll have to reopen the hentai project.

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