Do you remember My Little Pony, ladies? I remember My Little Pony. She was great. A peppy little message, a happy hair do, maybe a rhinestone or two and, way better than those stupid Breyer horses - My Little Pony actually stood up when you set her on a surface. Plus she came with those great plastic brushes that had little patterns on the back and a handle so tiny that only a child could properly manipulate it....
Well, it's all over folks. Check this out.
If the image didn't tip you already, this is going to be another one of those rants. I want you to notice a few things about this. First, i'd like you to note the time put forth on this project. I looked at this and the first thing I thought - well, after I finished swearing - was "Woah, when did they start selling MLP's with rocker hair?" That is, until I noticed this in her description of the item. "...rerooted hair..." Not being a toy-remanufacturing conneseuir myself, I can't really say that i'm certain I know what she meant by re-rooted but I'm assuming that she either ripped out all of MLP's old hair and dyed it, then stuck it back into her head or that she ripped out all of MLP's old hair, bought some new hair in her chosen color (or beheaded a Barbie Doll and terrorized her long blonde locks) and stuck it back into the horses head. Either way, this begs the question - doesn't she know emo went blonde? Red is out ladies and gents - the savior of the broken and the beaten and the fallen and the crying and the dying and the bastards said so. And you have to trust a man who wears Hot Topic.
Then, when I was done thinking that, I was drawn past the bejeweled sparkely skull and the poorly painted fishnet to something else about this image. As you'll notice, she's kindly signed it, so that no one try to steal the fruits of her labors and claim them as their own - wise move. The reason there are so many emo kids out there is that they lack the follow through to actually kill themselves. I suspect that branches over into their art as well. Maria Maya Haley - yes, Maria Maya Haley - wants you to know that she, in fact, made this piece. Couple of things here - first of all, are those circular letters filled with cutout stars? Is emo even allowed to have cutout stars? She is so dedicated to the emo/punk movement that she still hasn't changed her screenname from mayanbutterfly.
Now here's the thing. I don't know Maya. I don't hate Maya. I'm not even sure Maya annoys me. I glanced at Maya's gallery. I saw a lot of things - but I didn't glimpse any razor blades or cornstarch blood, and I commend her for that. Hell, maybe she made this pony for someone else and maybe she rolled her eyes the whole time she did it. Maybe she was going for something a little more Angelina Jolie in Hackers than she was something more everything-on-mtv-right-now. Hell, you have to either respect fear or pity someone who is willing to spend the time it must take to re-stuff a MLP head of hair.
Why did this end up on my graphics journal? Because as I was browsing her gallery for hope that this might not be a sign of chronic psychosis, I found this.
Beware the filter.
Bewaaarre the filter.
you should really research things you want to vent about, I hope you know there are communities of thousands upon thousands of people who customize my little ponies. There are sites that sell the materials to do them. Yes everyone starts out shakey but in time get better. Seeing as how you are using devient look up anime-amy I'm sure you'd enjoy her renown customs a little more than picking on a beginner. I'm sure if you tried a new hobby you would pretty much suck at it when you takes time and money and patience and practice to get good at anything.. so instead of jumping on things like this and ranting, do a little research.
You have a nice writing style - light and it's fun to read :) I'm sorry I didin't browse your entire blog - just read 3-4 last posts.
This post wasn't mean at all. It showed only your ignorance on the topic. It would be the same if you refer to Picasso's work like a sh*t because you didin't know what cubism is.
There are lot of MLP fans, that make their own ponies, called customs. They rehair them, with hair boght on a special site for that (i.e They have special tools for that. They re-paint on re-dye the ponies. First they do that for themselfs, or as a commission.
You picked a girl's custom that wasn't one of her best. Maybe you should check Woosie's works? Browse DA for her. Maybe you won't be so thrilled to see MLP as Jack Sparrow. Or maybe you will ;p
Not trying to pick a fight with you, but yeah. For us - MLP collectors and MLP customizers it was a very unpleasant entry. But mean..? Naaah ;p
Dude.That's low,you could at least not point out her name
Is it possible that you have nothing better to do than make fun of peoples hard work? Shame, shame. It does take quite alot of time to make and re-hair these ponies, but I'm assuming you know that since you had to make snide remarks about how you assume it's done.
Good job on managing to choose one of Mayans earlier pieces and not mentioning any of her greater and recent works. Do you enjoy making fun of childrens crayon drawings too?
We all evolve on our own given time as artists, and practice makes better (not perfect, because to almost all artists perfection can never be acheived and no work is truly finished). But then again it sounds like you were making masterpieces right out of the womb, so you must be so much better than all of us.
I hope you enjoy whatever little alternate reality you live in, it must get lonely, being only you and your enormous ego there.
Somehow I know this won't get posted since you mod your own comments, but I know at least you'll see it.
get a job, fatass.
oh, and get a haircut, too.
How unkind to rip someone's work like this :(
& for them to see it too :(
Have you any idea how much effort goes into customizing a pony? Some are better than others, people improve their craft over time and with practice. Pointing out every single flaw on a person's pony is not being "cheeky", it's just being a snarky asshole.
Try looking up customized my little ponies, and maybe you can appreciate the effort and amazing abilities that some people have, before guessing your way through about how one is made.
I'm pretty sure if I looked up the word worthless in the dictionary I'd find a picture of you. From what I can tell, you spend your time linking to things other people have done, either recommending or ridiculing them.
One of your hottest topics in your blog is the TV show Gilmore Girls. Looking at the number of comments on your posts, it's obvious you're writing only to please one person: you.
Try making something yourself. The folks who make these ponies spend countless hours painting, sculpting, and designing this work, and they don't need criticism from people like you who've never even TRIED to do anything worthwhile.
Your website's a clusterfuck of dead links and past layouts and, big surprise, hosts little original content. You claim to have no time, but have no trouble updating a weblog that nobody reads. You have no business pissing on the hard work of this girl. Next time you have a thought, stuff it.
Wow, this was just the most ignorant, and uninformed "bitching session" I have ever heard! Now that I feel like my brain is seeping out of my ears, I'm sorry that I even read it!
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