Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Soooo Many Updates

So it's been a while since I gave an update and lots of things have been done since then :)

A new sub-gallery was added to my avatars gallery that, at the moment, houses quite a few Grey's Anatomy Icons. The icons there are made from the Grey's bases I made and released yesterday. Which, did I mention, oodles of Grey's Anatomy Icon Bases. These are from episodes 3.01 - The Time Has Come Today and 3.02 - I Am A Tree. There are a ton and there are more to come as the episodes come out.

This is a pretty late announcement, but speaking of icons made from my bases (how many speaking of which's can I put in one post?), I finaly got around to taking my Gilmore Girls bases and creating the usual episodic icons from them. A link to the lot from episode 7.01 - The Long Morrow can be found here.

Lastly, in addition to all of that, I was bored and tinkering with a blend. (Of late, i've made it my mission to be able to make them - i've never been any good at blends in their true form. They seem pointless and we all know how well i deal with that.) Anyway, I decided to turn it into a desktop because - duh - that's what I, Logan is so dreamy :P In any case, the desktop can be accessed in four formats here.

Keep your eyes peeled for bases and icons from GG 7.02 - That's What You Get Folks, For Makin' Whoopie later on this week and, of course, Grey's Anatomy Bases and possibly icons after the episode airs.

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